
Hello World! 👋

It’s great to see you around here!


My name is Isaque Alves and I’m just a software engineer looking to share knowledge and build incredible things. I’ve worked for Avenue Code, Juntos Somos +, Prova Fácil, Cloudmatize and a while I keep working as freelancer doing some awesome projects.

I’m open to work 😉.

I have been responsible for modeling and architect some awesome piece of software side by side with fantastic people and this made me a little more confident to list you some of my abilities/skills. As a developer, I make use of Docker on a daily basis to ease my development processes. I have plenty knowledge and experience with object oriented programming and its principles and good practices. This affects how I use Python to make poetry while coding. Also, I’m an enthusiastic of funcional programming having started learning basics of this fantastic programming paradigm using Elixir lang. I also know how to do things with JavaScript and Typescript (even I prefer the former) and I know the fundamentals of Java and its ecosystem. As Backend Developer I worked with PHP using Symfony Framework to create consistent business applications. With Python I’ve already used some frameworks like Pyramid, Flask, Django (and Django Rest Framework), FastAPI with Pydantic and SQLAlchemy.

I like:

I dislike:

In my spare time, I love telling stories to my daughters and not the same stories that everyone tells: each story is filled with their daily experiences, their fears and their dreams. Some stories may give them little shivers but always finish with a fatherly hug and some conclusions and conversations about what was done wrong that lead to that bad ending.

Need to mention that I have a blog that I use to share some ideas, discoveries and tips. It is written in brazilian portuguese but I plan to start reediting some of the texts to be available in english too.

I’m trying so hard to overcome my shyness and run a successful YT channel but everytime I finish a video, I see something wrong like last two times I forgot to activate the microphone…

So this is me…

What about you? Can we have a talk? Would you like to invite me to talk? Can I call you?

Feel free to contact me. You’ll be welcome.


Resources & Cloud XP in years
Docker +4y
Kubernetes +2y
AWS +2y
GCP <1y
Huawei Cloud < 1y
Azure Cloud < 1y
Programming Paradigm XP in years
Object Oriented +10y
Functional Programming +1y
Language XP in years
Python +5y
Javascript +4y
Elixir lang +1y
Framework Language XP in Years
FastAPI Python +2y
SQLAlchemy Python +2y
Django Python +4y
DjangoRestFramework Python +4y
Pyramid Python +2
Symfony PHP +5
Laravel PHP +2
Ruby on Rails Ruby +2
Databases XP
Mysql +10y
PostgreSQL +4y
ArangoDB +2y
DynamoDB +1y
Cassandra +1y

Highlighted Soft Skills


More information?

See me at

My Awesome Youtube Channel

🎸 🍝 🥗 ⛹️‍♂️